April 20th

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16 Responses to April 20th

  1. handz says:

    Oh you finished already? I’m not done yet :/

  2. chial says:

    where do we find the white rose sheets we are supposed to do?
    And for the mathletics there is nothing to do with angles.
    Have a great day Miss Dawson 🙂

  3. chial says:

    oh nevermind I found them!!!!!

  4. venis says:

    domino forgot her login and lost her homework book. What should she do?

  5. chial says:

    I published the meditation work and my recent book summary, but they haven’t appeared on j2webby yet.
    Do you need to approve them for them to be seen on the j2webby?

  6. stevm says:

    where do we find the white rose sheets we are supposed to do?

  7. whita says:

    Hi miss Dawson ny printer isn’t working so I can’t do all of the white rose maths activitys

    By Alexander

    • ddawson says:

      Wow Zoe! This is fantastic! Looks like you did a virtual trip around the world <3 You and your parents must be really talented at cooking 🙂 I watched Leon for the first time not too long ago and I agree with you, it was really good and although the ending was happy, it felt like quite a sad film.

      Amazing work! Thanks for sharing <3

  8. gumbk says:

    can a do like a poster on hurricanes

    • ddawson says:

      For Geography? You answer the nine questions then create a poster on how to stay safe in a hurricane 🙂

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