Thursday 23rd April – English, Music and PE Learning

Good Morning everyone!

Today we have a Pobble365 to do,  you can find it here:

Answer the questions and improve the sick sentences.

As we usually have Music Assembly on Thursdays, I have found two interesting video clips for you to watch, you can watch them via this link:

It is all about Pulse and Rhythm.     If you play an instrument, I hope you are managing to do lots of extra practice?   If you don’t then why not play one of your favourite songs and see if you can drum along to the rhythm using household objects.  Who needs a drum kit?!

Or perhaps you could try and learn to beat box?

After that, why not find a GoNoodle dance or workout to do?  Or you could make up your own workout to a piece of music you like.  I am sure you are all keeping active but dancing makes us feel happy as well as being good for us.

Here is my favourite Go Noodle dance!   It really gets the heart racing.

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